Monday, 24 April 2017
Final production - A2 music video 'Say It'
So here it is, the finished video. We had a lot of fun making the video even though towards the end Premiere Pro wouldn't load all our footage and Niamh had to make a new sequence in order to edit. Hope you enjoy watching our music video!
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Friday, 21 April 2017
Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
I have used a gliffy a mind mapping website, to list and analyse every form of technology which was really important and beneficial to me. I haven't been able to embed my mind map because I have to upgrade and pay for the code, therefore I exported the file and saved it as an image. Here is a link which takes you to the file. Question 4 gliffy
Monday, 17 April 2017
Q3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?
For question 3, my main answer is on the software padlet, then under neath is a picktochart I created summarizing my audience feedback I received from the survey I created, which you can find on my blog.
Friday, 14 April 2017
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
For this evaluation question, as a group we have produced a video explaining how we can relate typical conventions to our music video, specifically. Then for the ancillary tasks, I have made a sway explaining how the CD and website conform and challenge typical conventions.
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Audience survey
I have created a short survey using survey monkey to add to the data we have collected on audience feedback. If you have some spare time, I would appreciate it if you could complete our survey as it would be really useful to us to know what you think. Once I have some feedback from this survey, I will include the data within my evaluation question 3.
Create your own user feedback survey
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Feedback from first draft video
We have now received feedback for our first draft, although there are a lot of things on the email, I don't think it will take that long to adjust. However, there are some parts that we cannot amend, for example, we do not have more footage of me and Alex so we cannot layer the footage. Although, the rest of the improvements do seem achievable, so me Niamh and Rae will consider these comments and amend our first draft accordingly. Once these are done, I think we will do an audience feedback task, asking people of our target audience to tell us what they think of the video.
Monday, 13 March 2017
First draft of our music video
We have completed our first draft! Once we have received some feedback of what is good and what needs changing, I will update you all on what progress needs to be made.
Monday, 6 March 2017
Filming day 4
Fortunately, Alex our friend agreed to being in our music video playing the boy role. We all arranged that today after school we are going to film the final session for our music video. We had a good few hours before it got dark so that we could make the most of natural light. At first we took some shots of Niamh and Alex on opposite sides of a door from high angle shots. During editing, we want to put the two clips together of them two arguing into a diagonal split screen, however we're not sure how we're going to do this as it requires a template.
Next we filmed Niamh and Alex's characters 'being in love', we just filmed them on the couch from various different angles to show how at that point in time they were in love. We will use this footage as a flash back as to how happy they were before.
Another bonus was that one of Rae's friends let us borrow her gay pride flag, we used this during the clips of Niamh and Rae's characters being loved up together. We thought by using the flag, the narrative of our music video will become much clearer and our target audience will understand our concept more. I used the shoulder mount to film the footage, the natural light also worked well as it gives off a optimistic feel showing how Niamh's character feels when she's with Rae's character.
After this, we had to then improvise for the party scene, the lighting in my house worked in our favor because the light focused on Niamh whilst she was drinking. Niamh wasn't actually drinking wine, I found a old empty wine bottle which we filled with orange cordial to make it look more realistic. Myself and Alex were in the background shot to make the scene look like there were more people there. When editing, I think we are going to try and blur the background of me and Alex out a little bit so that the clip is focused on Niamh's character.
We decided to film the parts of Niamh and Alex when they're no longer in love when it had gotten dark outside. This was so that the lighting fitted the mood. We used tripod shots of Niamh and Alex sitting away from each other on the couch to show there is some distance. We were also struggling on how to portray the fact that Niamh's character is gay, so we came up with the idea that Alex tries to comfort her, then she storms off and Alex then pulls out the gay pride flag out under the pillow to symbolize that he now knows that she has feelings for another girl.
Another bonus was that one of Rae's friends let us borrow her gay pride flag, we used this during the clips of Niamh and Rae's characters being loved up together. We thought by using the flag, the narrative of our music video will become much clearer and our target audience will understand our concept more. I used the shoulder mount to film the footage, the natural light also worked well as it gives off a optimistic feel showing how Niamh's character feels when she's with Rae's character.
After this, we had to then improvise for the party scene, the lighting in my house worked in our favor because the light focused on Niamh whilst she was drinking. Niamh wasn't actually drinking wine, I found a old empty wine bottle which we filled with orange cordial to make it look more realistic. Myself and Alex were in the background shot to make the scene look like there were more people there. When editing, I think we are going to try and blur the background of me and Alex out a little bit so that the clip is focused on Niamh's character.
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Friday, 17 February 2017
Filming day 3
Today we arranged to film at my house again, and this time we actually got a lot done. We made a list of what we wanted to get done but we used the shot list to help us. It did take us all day, but we got a lot of footage. Here I made an overview of our day filming and included some pictures. Hopefully, we only need one more day to film then we should have everything done.
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Filming day 2
Today our group arranged to meet at my house at 12 to film more of our music video. We created a list to give structure to our day. We decided that first we would do a photo shoot because we need photos to personalize our website and photos to use for the CD cover and booklet. We managed to take some good photos using my pink wall as a continuous background. The photos we think fit our genre of 'pop' as they are girly and fun, this can also be applied to our target audience. Once we had taken enough photos, we moved onto the next thing on our list of filming Niamh lip syncing the whole song again at a different angle and with a change of outfit which will be useful for when cutting the song up. However, we had to stop filming because the SD card had run out of storage and nothing could be deleted. When the SD card was read by Niamh's computer we figured out that for some reason each photo had duplicated itself. Therefore, we are going to film again on Friday and hope that we get the majority of the filming done.
Saturday, 4 February 2017
Monday, 23 January 2017
Updated Foxgloves merchandise
We have updated our merchandise for it to know go on the website. We wanted to change our merchandise because we have changed our logo and secondly because we didn't like our first attempts at making merchandise. All the merchandise has been created using Photoshop, we have all contributed items as well.
Here is the website shop section so far: I added the items to the website myself, I put in a description of the product, the price, different colours the product is availabe in and any other incentives such as the tag 'favourite' for the phone case. We still have some more merchandise to create, so I will keep you updated when we add more products to the website.
Saturday, 21 January 2017
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
The development of our band logo
We decided to re-think our logo and perhaps even use the design for the CD cover but change it slightly. Niamh used the graphic tablet to create this design in which she got the inspiration from Instagram. To start off, she drew the design onto a piece of paper before drawing over it with the stylist on the pad. There was a problem because the drawing started to go off the page even when the canvas size was changed. In order to get rid of this problem, Niamh zoomed into the canvas. We then wanted to add the same writing from our original logo onto this one, so we cropped the image on Photoshop to just get the writing. However, at first this came out blurry, so we made the image size on Photoshop smaller. We wanted to combine the fox with a geometric design in order to make it look like it was breaking free, but it didn't turn out that way. Never the less I really do like this design,
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Monday, 16 January 2017
Sneak peek video
We took the footage from the memory card and downloaded the footage onto our school drive. We placed all the footage we had onto premiere pro to put into some sort of order. We cut and edited clips to form a sequence that fitted together and placed the song on top of the footage. We didn't try any effects on the footage just yet, as we wanted to sort the order out first and this is the first preview.
Thursday, 12 January 2017
Sunday, 8 January 2017
Thursday, 5 January 2017
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