Fortunately, Alex our friend agreed to being in our music video playing the boy role. We all arranged that today after school we are going to film the final session for our music video. We had a good few hours before it got dark so that we could make the most of natural light. At first we took some shots of Niamh and Alex on opposite sides of a door from high angle shots. During editing, we want to put the two clips together of them two arguing into a diagonal split screen, however we're not sure how we're going to do this as it requires a template.
Next we filmed Niamh and Alex's characters 'being in love', we just filmed them on the couch from various different angles to show how at that point in time they were in love. We will use this footage as a flash back as to how happy they were before.
Another bonus was that one of Rae's friends let us borrow her gay pride flag, we used this during the clips of Niamh and Rae's characters being loved up together. We thought by using the flag, the narrative of our music video will become much clearer and our target audience will understand our concept more. I used the shoulder mount to film the footage, the natural light also worked well as it gives off a optimistic feel showing how Niamh's character feels when she's with Rae's character.

After this, we had to then improvise for the party scene, the lighting in my house worked in our favor because the light focused on Niamh whilst she was drinking. Niamh wasn't actually drinking wine, I found a old empty wine bottle which we filled with orange cordial to make it look more realistic. Myself and Alex were in the background shot to make the scene look like there were more people there. When editing, I think we are going to try and blur the background of me and Alex out a little bit so that the clip is focused on Niamh's character.

We decided to film the parts of Niamh and Alex when they're no longer in love when it had gotten dark outside. This was so that the lighting fitted the mood. We used tripod shots of Niamh and Alex sitting away from each other on the couch to show there is some distance. We were also struggling on how to portray the fact that Niamh's character is gay, so we came up with the idea that Alex tries to comfort her, then she storms off and Alex then pulls out the gay pride flag out under the pillow to symbolize that he now knows that she has feelings for another girl.
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